Square Viger

    Through a series of performative acts on video, I use the real dimension of space-time that becomes object and acts as a medium of representation. My concerns about urban issues are the basis of a great scourge of dissolution of contemporary societies.

    It's a personal feeling that I carry out during my visit to the site and that raises questions and reflections, specifically the transformation of urban space.


    يعبر هذا التنصيب الفني عن مخاوف من القضايا الحضرية التي تمثل أساس تفكك المجتمعات المعاصرة. وهو شعور شخصي أحاول من خلاله طرح أسئلة وتأملات في التحولات الحاصلة في المجال الحضري

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